Random Vegas
Wayne McAllister, the architect behind the El Rancho, the Sands and many more as well as largely credited with giving Vegas it’s design esthetic, was a high school drop out that taught himself architecture (Architecture Las Vegas Magazine)
Twitpic of the week

Break out your Commodore 64, feather that hair and turn up Michael Jackson’s Thriller because there is all sorts of awesome going on in this week’s winner, brought to you by @theforumshops, showing center strip, circa 1982. Even our friend Dr. Dave @unlvgaming didn’t know where to start. So I shall attempt to undertake this gargantuan task. First, I would argue that Caesars signage today is sad excuse for a marquee in comparison to this big, beautiful, massive sign. Rocking the old Caesars font along with gold characters set with that lovely blue back drop, this picture shows how old school Caesars made it crystal clear that the man we know as Newton is dominating the US and currently appearing in the Circus Maximus theater. Good god, look at that thing. I’m in awe. It so large it even does a pretty good job of hiding the Shell gas station sign behind it. Next up, THE IMPERIAL PALACE HAS A MARQUEE! Not a 3 -tory storage shed but an actual marquee that lights up at night, showing off the resorts theme, pagodas and all. And representing what happened in my pants when I saw this picture is Flamingo’s iconic Plume sign complete with the neon rainbow and “pots of gold” at its base. I’m pretty sure it’s well know in this community that I love signage and Vegas marquees are usually the best of the best so this picture was kind of like signage porn to me. I can’t tell if this picture represents or juxtaposes the coked out reputation the 80s has but what ever it is, I like it.